Thursday, February 11, 2016

Alright my friends - we're off!  The first two weeks have aired and I've received some great comments from you.  Keep them coming.

I think the issue of grace and our openness to it and willingness to accept it is key to our personal conversion.  In the first reading at Mass today, Moses tells us very plainly, "Choose life or death."  What is associated with life?  Prosperity, happiness, hope, love.  What is associated with death?  Doom, despair, pain, suffering, agony.  What kind of choice is that?  Who in their right mind, honestly, would ever choose to take the path away from God?  But we always must remember - the choices we make result in our sharing in the gifts of the Paschal Mystery.  If we choose to depart from God, then we will not have eternal life.  If we choose God, we will share in the salvation wrought by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

Next week will be our beginning to the Sacrament of Baptism.  Question to ponder : Why is Baptism the "gateway" sacrament?  And how are we "born again" in Baptism.  I'll see you next Monday, 9:30 am, on the Spirit Catholic Radio Network!